PCIA Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring Meeting

January 30, 2006, Seattle, Washington

Thirty six members of the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air -- 18 from outside of the U.S. -- participated in an Indoor Air Pollution Meeting on January 30, 2006 in Seattle, Washington, USA following the ETHOS Conference. The diverse participation and experiences contributed greatly to achieving the purpose of the meeting which was to build our collective knowledge and capacity to conduct indoor air pollution monitoring on household energy projects, and to utilize the results to improve the lives of the billions of people using traditional fuels for home cooking and heating.

Presentations were given on the IAP monitoring programs of eight pilot projects in China, India, Ethiopia, Uganda, Honduras and Mexico. All of the meeting participants were actively engaged in IAP monitoring and contributed to meeting the specific workshop objectives to:

-Learn how projects are conducting IAP monitoring;
-Offer insights and/or assistance where requested;
-Inform projects that are in the beginning stages of their IAP monitoring; and
-Learn from the preliminary results of the monitoring.

Each presentation addressed the same questions: why monitor, how are projects monitoring, equipment used, initial findings, lessons learned, and next steps. This resulted in workshop participants gaining a good understanding of how each of the diverse projects addressed similar topics, enabling them to compare and contrast approaches, successes, challenges, and results.

1. Melat Esayas, Gaia Association, Ethiopia
2. Karabi Dutta, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute, India
3. David Mukisa and David Pennise, Urban Community Development Association (UCODEA) and Center for Entrepreneurship in International Health and Development, University of California - Berkeley, Uganda
4. Fan Liu, Institute for Environmental Health and Related Product Safety, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China
5. Tami Bond, Benjamin Osorto and Stuart Conway, University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne, Honduran Association for Development, Trees, Water and People, Honduras
6. Cynthia Amendariz and Omar Masera, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
7. Chaya Chengappa, Development Alternatives, India
8. Xia Zuzhang and Zohir Chowdhury, The Nature Conservancy - China, Center for Entrepreneurship in International Health and Development, University of California - Berkeley, China

The Meeting agenda and presentations can be downloaded below:

PCIA-IAP-meeting-agenda.pdf22.58 KB
1-PCIA-IAP-Pres-Gaia-Assoc-Ethiopia.pdf3.43 MB
3-PCIA-IAP-Pres-UCODEA-CEIHD-UCB-Uganda.pdf451.61 KB
4-PCIA-IAP-Pres-CDC-IEHS-China.pdf1.49 MB
5-PCIA-IAP-Pres-UIUC-AHDESA-TWP-Honduras.pdf1.38 MB
6-PCIA-IAP-Pres-UNAM-Mexico_reduced.pdf2.7 MB
7-PCIA-IAP-Pres-DA-India.pdf280.07 KB
8-PCIA-IAP-Pres-UCB-CEIHD-TNC-China.pdf3.37 MB
2-PCIA-IAP-Pres-ARTI-India.pdf400.86 KB